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Showing posts from December, 2014

Getting ODI Packages running time

Sometimes we need to find out times taken by certain packages for certain reasons. For this we can make use of ODI repository table  SNP_SESSION. So for that we can use following query which you can run on your work repository schema. select  sess_name Package_Name,SESS_BEG Start_Time,SESS_END End_TIme, (SESS_DUR/60) Time_in_Minutes from SNP_SESSION where  (sess_name='PKG_A_VERSION_2' or sess_name='PKG_B_VERSION_2' or sess_name='PKG_C_VERSION_2' or sess_name='PKG_D_VERSION2' or sess_name='PKG_E_VERSION_2' or sess_name='PKG_F' or sess_name='PKG_G' or sess_name='PKG_H') and sess_beg > sysdate-1 order by SESS_BEG; Here we will get result in following format. PACKAGE_NAME START_TIME END_TIME TIME_IN_MINUTES PKG_A_VERSION_2 13-06-13 23:44 13-06-13 23:54 9.783333333 PKG_B_VERSION_2 13-06-13 23:54 14-06-13 0:11 16.8 PKG_C_VERSION2